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This is for informational purposes only and Cherry will not be held liable for any information listed below, as each property may have unique circumstances. This information is only to give you an idea of other expenses that may be involved and they are all approximate numbers.
As the landowner, you are responsible for obtaining your building (placement) permit from the respective City or County your property is located in. Cherry will provide the transportation permits to your property.
I do have customers that need help hire me directly, Christina A. Huffman, to obtain these permits on their behalf. This includes most drawings needed.
City of Houston permits
If your property is located in the City of Houston you will be obtaining a foundation permit for a house move (approximately $1,800.00).
You will need: site plan, foundation drawing, floor plan
If your property is located in a flood zone, you will need an elevation certificate (approximately $400) and on some cases a topographical survey (approximately $500-800) is required. There will be an additional City of Houston fee to go through the flood department (approximately $700).
If your property is over 15,000 sq ft or you have more than 65% impervious cover, you will need a drainage plan (approximately $350-500) from an engineer. I have an engineer referral if you need one.
A wastewater (WCR) form ($94) is required to obtain a permit.
If there is not a current driveway that meets code on your property the City will require you obtain a driveway permit. ($100-250)
A 5' sidewalk is also mandatory when applying for a new driveway permit. If a 5' sidewalk does not fit between your property line and the street, a sidewalk modification application must be filled out (The City will charge you $12 per sq ft if a 5' sidewalk doesn't fit in the right of way - for a 50' wide lot they would charge a fee of $3,000). WE ARE TRYING TO FIGHT THIS!
The house moving department requires the landowner to sign a Landowner's Agreement and get a $3,500.00 surety bond (cost is approximately $190). I have a bonding company referral if you need one.
If there is not a recorded subdivision plat for your property, a boundary survey will be required when obtaining your permit (approximately $500).
If your property is vacant and the value of your house and land will be under (approximately) $332,000.00, you can get your impact fees waived with an Impact Fee Exemption Form. If this is a second house or the value is over the $332,000.00 value, you will need to pay impact fees when obtaining your permit (approximately $3,400.00).
If this is the second house on your property (one of the two houses must be under 900 sq ft), you will also be required to pay an Open Space Fee of $700.00 when obtaining your permit.
Extra Expenses:
You should get a dirt pad installed where the house is to be placed, most use select fill or crushed concrete. This is for positive drainage under the house and it helps with settling. We can get a foreman to help you with this for an extra fee (approximately $600-800 for labor + materials).
The City of Houston requires you hire a licensed electrician, plumber, and hvac contractor (if central a/c), to update utilities to current code, once the building is moved onto your property. You have 6 months from your permit date to complete this, or you can get an extension for another 6 months.
You will be required to have at minimum a 3' x 3' landing area (porch) with steps and hand rails (to city code) outside of each exterior door.
If you have 2 existing trees in the City right-of-way on your property you can preserve these. Otherwise, the City will want you to plant two trees (minimum 1.5" in diameter) before you can final out your project.
If there are any rotten and/or deteriorated floor sills and joists on your house, we can fix that at an additional expense (linear footage cost for labor) + the cost of the material (lumber).
If we are moving a house for you, any good blocks/bases will be reused, any additional blocks/bases/shims will be at an additional expense (approximately $4.50 per base pad, $3.50 per block, $2.00 per shim pad). If you are buying a house from Cherry, blocks are included (up to 3 blocks in height).
The City of Houston requires the house to be tied down with tie-posts. Anything under 1200 sq ft requires 4, anything between 1200-2000 sq ft requires 6, and anything over 2000 sq ft requires 8. If you would like Cherry to install these tie-posts, they are at an additional expense.
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